Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's January 1, 2006!

A very happy New Year to everyone!

What's on your wish list to read this year? Think about it. At our next meeting on January 20, we have to come up with book titles that we want to recommend for future discussions.

I have just finished reading Honeymoon With My Brother: A Memoir by Frank Wisner. I know we don't want to discuss another travel type autobiography but this was a very interesting story. I read most of it en route to Nassau, Bahamas. When I got to Nassau, the front page of The Punch, also known as the scandal newspaper, was about a Bahamian Runaway Bride. She never turned up to the rehearsal dinner. The groom went on his honeymoon Caribbean cruise alone. Had he read Frank's story he could have taken a family member and written book.

For anyone wanting to know about blogs as I want to do this year, this sounds like the book to purchase, Blogging For Business by Shel Holtz and Ted Demopoulos. I just happened to come across the title of this book after reading Seven Offline Tips To Increase Blog Traffic.

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